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- Sponsor Locker Room Site Option 2
Sponsor Locker Room Site Option 2
The response to Project Athletes is often overwhelming, but Project Athletes runs out of funding to extend 8 week after-school programming sessions between Fall and Spring sessions. This leaves many participants with no structured activity after school, and sometimes no where to go until a parent/guardian gets off work. Project Athletes after-school offers an opportunity for safe and positive structured programming for the kids after school. This especially includes kids who may not receive a spot on a sports team and/or who are considered at-risk or on free/reduced lunch.
Due to significant outreach from the kids to keep the program going- and not take a break after 8-week sessions- Project Athletes is striving to keep all Locker Rooms "open" past 8 week sessions. We do not want to remove an opportunity for mentoring, safe and structured programming, that is focused on health and wellness for these kids after school. We believe they have "bought in" to the mission, and that's AMAZING and we do not want the momentum to stop.
Please consider sponsoring a Project Athlete's Locker Room extension Program.