"As a single mother Project Athlete helped me to afford programs and camps that I could not have offered to my children otherwise. These camps have benefited them physically as well as mental outlets and a boost for their self-esteem, as they improved on their athletic abilities. These are priceless benefits to me as a mother, to see my children improve on their skills as well as improving their overall health. As my son got in better shape he improved his overall performance in football and this has helped him to feel better about himself. It has also lead him to focus at school because he feels better about himself and wants to keep moving forward with football. The same is true for my daughter she is happier as she gets in better shape and becomes better in volleyball. As a mother of two teenagers I am so grateful that Project Athlete was part of Urbana 116.
- Theresa McDaniel, Parent Urbana Middle School Locker Room
“The Project Athlete program has served hundreds of students in Champaign Unit 4. The professionals working with our children give their all so that the students can find success, health, and aspirations in both after school and summer programming. We have had students participate and find success in the program that are not involved in any other program in the building. Likewise, we have had students who are stellar athletes already who also participate in Project Athlete to keep in shape and interact with professionals and peers outside of school. What has impressed me the most is that the Project Athlete staff truly goes above and beyond to serve students in the schools - even if they are not involved in the program. I cannot begin to count the times I've contacted staff at Project Athlete asking for shoes, YMCA memberships, and summer scholarships for students in need. They have never turned me down and always find a way to help all kids be successful. It has been both a privilege and pleasure to continue the partnership with such a professional organization here in Champaign-Urbana.”
– Angelica Franklin, Principal, Jefferson Middle School Locker Room
Current Champaign Unit 4 Schools Administrator
"I first joined PA in middle school, the coaches noticed I didn't have an adequate pair of tennis shoes so they provided me with a new pair. The founder pushed me to join the Summer Speed School program, which was a decision I'm glad I made. While there, the coaches asked me if I was playing freshman football, and when I told them I couldn't afford shoes, PA paid for cleats so I could play football. Then another day at speed school, one of the coaches asked me about an injury on my hand. The same coach later took me to the hospital because he thought my hand might have been broken, and he was correct. All in all I find PA a great program for aspiring athletes, they provide mentors to help kids stay out of trouble as well as professional coaching. I don't think there's any other program like it."
– Nicholas Kasper, Student, Jefferson Middle School Locker Room,
Summer Speed School Locker Room
"When I asked my students what Project Athletes meant to them, this is what came to mind: Diversity - Safety - Mentors - Fun - Happiness - Hope - Motivation – Fitness - Got them off the streets - Structure These are all things that are important to these teenagers. Without this opportunity and experience to be a part of this amazing organization some of them might never be involved in extracurricular activities. This program gives them something to look forward to and helps them to believe in themselves and to be the best they can be. It not only stimulates their physical abilities, but plays a huge role in their social, emotional, and mental well being."
-Alexis Cain, Behavioral Specialist
Ready School Program, Regional Office of Education. Champaign, IL
"As a single mother Project Athlete helped me to afford programs and camps that I could not have offered to my children otherwise. These camps have benefited them physically as well as mental outlets and a boost for their self-esteem, as they improved on their athletic abilities. These are priceless benefits to me as a mother, to see my children improve on their skills as well as improving their overall health. As my son got in better shape he improved his overall performance in football and this has helped him to feel better about himself. It has also lead him to focus at school because he feels better about himself and wants to keep moving forward with football. The same is true for my daughter she is happier as she gets in better shape and becomes better in volleyball. As a mother of two teenagers I am so grateful that Project Athlete was part of Urbana 116.
- Theresa McDaniel, Parent Urbana Middle School Locker Room
“The Project Athlete program has served hundreds of students in Champaign Unit 4. The professionals working with our children give their all so that the students can find success, health, and aspirations in both after school and summer programming. We have had students participate and find success in the program that are not involved in any other program in the building. Likewise, we have had students who are stellar athletes already who also participate in Project Athlete to keep in shape and interact with professionals and peers outside of school. What has impressed me the most is that the Project Athlete staff truly goes above and beyond to serve students in the schools - even if they are not involved in the program. I cannot begin to count the times I've contacted staff at Project Athlete asking for shoes, YMCA memberships, and summer scholarships for students in need. They have never turned me down and always find a way to help all kids be successful. It has been both a privilege and pleasure to continue the partnership with such a professional organization here in Champaign-Urbana.”
– Angelica Franklin, Principal, Jefferson Middle School Locker Room
Current Champaign Unit 4 Schools Administrator
"I first joined PA in middle school, the coaches noticed I didn't have an adequate pair of tennis shoes so they provided me with a new pair. The founder pushed me to join the Summer Speed School program, which was a decision I'm glad I made. While there, the coaches asked me if I was playing freshman football, and when I told them I couldn't afford shoes, PA paid for cleats so I could play football. Then another day at speed school, one of the coaches asked me about an injury on my hand. The same coach later took me to the hospital because he thought my hand might have been broken, and he was correct. All in all I find PA a great program for aspiring athletes, they provide mentors to help kids stay out of trouble as well as professional coaching. I don't think there's any other program like it."
– Nicholas Kasper, Student, Jefferson Middle School Locker Room,
Summer Speed School Locker Room
"When I asked my students what Project Athletes meant to them, this is what came to mind: Diversity - Safety - Mentors - Fun - Happiness - Hope - Motivation – Fitness - Got them off the streets - Structure These are all things that are important to these teenagers. Without this opportunity and experience to be a part of this amazing organization some of them might never be involved in extracurricular activities. This program gives them something to look forward to and helps them to believe in themselves and to be the best they can be. It not only stimulates their physical abilities, but plays a huge role in their social, emotional, and mental well being."
-Alexis Cain, Behavioral Specialist
Ready School Program, Regional Office of Education. Champaign, IL